Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Equatorial Guinea Map


Equatorial Guinea Cities: 

Akurenan, Bata, Calatrava, Ebebiyin, Evinayong, Luba, Malabo, Mbini, Mikomeseng, Mongomo, Niefang, Nsoc, Puerto, Sevilla de Niefang and Valladolid Mbini. 

Equatorial Guinea Locations: 

Atlantic Ocean, Bight of Bonny, Gulf of Guinea, Mbini River and Ntem River. 

Equatorial Guinea Natural Resources: 

Equatorial Guinea has fuel resources which include petroleum, natural gas and timber. Some of the country�s various mineral resources are bauxite, sand, gravel, clay, tantalum, gold and diamonds.

Equatorial Guinea Natural Hazards: 

Equatorial Guinea is subject to natural hazards which include violent windstorms, and flash floods. 

Equatorial Guinea Environmental Issues: 

The country of Equatorial Guinea in western Africa has environmental issues which include deforestation. In addition, the country�s tap water is not potable.
